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Among the many options of tile and quartz backsplash, there’s a type that’s gaining popularity with kitchen designs as of late; back painted glass backsplash!

Here’s a few reasons to research a little further into this on-going trend.

First, back painted glass backsplash gives you a unique look with a pop of customized color. Glass fabricators are able to offer a very wide array of custom colors given the style you are trying to achieve in a certain space. Whether you want something bold or subtle; with the never ending list of colors, a look can be pinpointed for each room.

Next, the customized backsplash can help open up a room by both the color chosen and by reflecting light off of the glossy surface. This proves especially useful for smaller spaces such as here in Chicago, where every inch of space counts.

Another advantage of back painted glass backsplash is it’s low maintenance and hygienic qualities which also boasts very easy cleanup for when a kitchen sees lots of heavy use. Since the glass is painted on the back and then attached to the wall, one doesn’t have to worry about messing up the color when cleaning the glass surface.


There’s always something new to learn about what surface is appropriate for a dream space but hopefully this blog post has covered some of the basics and perhaps even inspired your next design decision!  To view additional pictures of these projects, please visit our remodel project gallery by clicking here.
Written by: Marnie Knouse, AKB Chicago Project Coordinator
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